A2Z Community

A2Z Community is a WordPress plugin which allows site administrators tighter control over content which is submitted by site editors and authors. The plugin was designed for organizations such as churches, schools, clubs, and sports teams which have a number of people entering content. Input checking and custom post types ensure that the people entering the content supply a minimum amount of information. It also provides fields for additional information, ensuring that the post will be correctly formatted and easy to read.

This plugin is designed for sites who might have a number of people entering information, especially if they don’t know much about web design.

Some of the features:

  • Custom post types for documents, links, calendar events, videos, images, signups, and room reservations
  • Can choose which post types to use to avoid loading unnecessary files
  • Optional maximum and minimum length requirements for title, excerpt, and post body with character counts while typing
  • Optional minimum dimensions for featured images
  • Only allow pasting as text in the editor
  • Optional dashboard widget with instructions and links to help
  • Shortcodes and widgets for display of calendar events, signup lists, documents, and links
  • Room reservations with immediate conflict checking
  • Post view counter with sampling option to determine most popular posts without causing too many database writes

Download the A2Z Community plugin

View the A2Z Community plugin documentation

Donate to support the continued development of the plugin

Request help customizing the plugin  Most customizations can be completed for under $100. I will be happy to provide a quote for you.